
Showing posts from March, 2020

Hardly Home: The Playlist

Because of Miss. Rona 🦠 I don't have any concerts to blog about. My next show probably isn't until May. I was having a rough day yesterday and completed this playlist I started the other night. My playlist is entitled "Hardly Home". I'm from 〽️emphis, 〽️emphis.....〽️emphis, TN that is. The majority of my family lives there except my step mom and little brother. Being away can be hard. I know I don't call enough or check in as often as I should.....but I miss it. I miss my people, my friends, THE FOOD...a lot of things. I find myself saying that I'll move back home one day, but I'm not in a rush to do so. I haven't visited home in a while, because there are still things that I know I'm avoiding/grieving from.  Back to this playlist...the men in my family are very musically oriented...playing the bass, drums, piano, guitar, singers, DJs...all that. My best friends and big brother are BIG music heads as well. Hmmm....if I have a typ

Rod Wave was almost not the Wave

BRUH. So Aliyah and I were late, but on time. The show didn’t start until 8 so there was really no need to be in a rush to get there. We also didn’t feel obligated to be front row for this one. The show was at Believe Music Hall. I parked in the same area as the last time and it was a very ratchet experience! The man wanted me to back into a spot that barely existed. I’m a professional so I made it work! I went through trials and tribulations, but it worked out. I was suppose to pay to park according to the sign, but he never asked for my money so I kept it pushing 😭🙃! It’s Sunday so let’s pray that my car is still there! We should have known it was going to be an interesting night simply because of the parking situation. UPDATE: My car was still there. 🙌🏾 The parking man asked if we were going to the fair had no clue what he was talking about, but there is a fair in Mechanicsville right now. It looked cute!  We get in line for them to check our bags/wallets an