Hardly Home: The Playlist

Because of Miss. Rona 🦠 I don't have any concerts to blog about. My next show probably isn't until May. I was having a rough day yesterday and completed this playlist I started the other night. My playlist is entitled "Hardly Home". I'm from 〽️emphis, 〽️emphis.....〽️emphis, TN that is. The majority of my family lives there except my step mom and little brother. Being away can be hard. I know I don't call enough or check in as often as I should.....but I miss it. I miss my people, my friends, THE FOOD...a lot of things. I find myself saying that I'll move back home one day, but I'm not in a rush to do so. I haven't visited home in a while, because there are still things that I know I'm avoiding/grieving from. 

Back to this playlist...the men in my family are very musically oriented...playing the bass, drums, piano, guitar, singers, DJs...all that. My best friends and big brother are BIG music heads as well. Hmmm....if I have a type I blame all of them 😂. I don't sing or rap, but I think I have a decent ear for good music.  I dated this guy that raps/sings....overall he’s musically inclined.....and he pretty much put me on to a lot of local Memphis artist that he either listened to or has worked with. Some of the artist you will hear in this playlist I may have had the pleasure of seeing them perform too. I believe I have some videos, but I didn't want to seem weird for featuring videos of them on my blog without reaching out. I'm slick socially awkward and kinda shy. It's like I genuinely enjoy their music, but never wanted to seem like a groupie or that I was doing too much for telling them that they bumped a song or that I loved their project. 

I would consider myself a very supportive person especially of my friends. I rather invest in my friends/family first. With that being said....I promised myself of all the bad things, this person will never be able to say I didn't support them. I've purchased almost EVERYTHING that’s on iTunes. My friends think it's silly of me (ladies, we all know what it’s like to be a clown), but streams don't pay much for upcoming artist. That’s my “excuse”, but it’s factual. 
Bruh, I even PRE-ORDERED the most recent junt. I was so embarrassed to tell Lí that I did, because I KNEW she would have something to say 🥴. That’s my sister so I respect her opinion even when I’m not ready to hear it. You would be amazed the things I’ll wait to tell her because I know she would be real with me! ❤️

But we all release differently and it was well written. You’ll hear it along with other GREAT songs by other artist in this playlist.

Click “Hardly Home” for the Apple Music link. I hope y'all enjoy it! Memphis has a lot of great talent! Below are some of my favorite artist. Thank you for these gems. I don't know many of these people personally, but I'm proud of them. I can't wait to say I've seen each of them perform live on a big stage one day. 

"Hardly Home" features the following artist:
