
Showing posts from January, 2024

2024 Reset

 What did Lloyd say..."Had to find a new approach to an old dream". A beautiful song by the way! After reviewing this page and remaining to pay for this domain...I've realized it's been very hard to write and update this since my dad passed away (2/7/2021). Losing a parent at 24-years old, wasn't on my bingo card. I believe I've felt so many things that I can't write about...legally. So this year, 2024, I'll work on updating this before my next concert. I'm also in grad school so I'll have some free time in the near future to dive in deep on my love for concerts and live performances. Sunday's sermon (12/31/2023) talked about "I got to do something different"...and we are going to try! Bear with me. Thank you for always expressing how much you all have missed reading my post. Yes, live shows have STILL been carrying me through my highs and lows.  Let's see how much I can accomplish overtime for the following... 2021 Concerts:

BLXST: No Love Lost Tour 2021

  No Love Lost is probably one of my favorite 2020 albums. I accidentally came across Blxst late last year and I haven't looked back. I probably have a thing for West Coast artist. This is my go to album. The album is so good, I can't even tell the difference between the original and the deluxe. I typically talk bad about deluxe albums, but this one is a HIT. No skips and I'm not exaggerating. It was so perfect from beginning to the end...even on shuffle. Think I had a new favorite song every listen. I wish more people played it more. If you're reading this go bump "No Love Lost" x BLXST, please and thank you! We stood in line for what felt like hours for this show then had to stand up for like another hour and half for him to actually perform. The DJ that was on set during this longgggg period of standing was weak. He would play good songs, but then would play the most random song that didn't fit the mood of vibe at all.  For example he would play all th

Justine Skye

  Yes, I went to the same venue back to back. Yes, I wore even more comfortable shoes so that I was even more more prepared to stand a long time like I did the night before. I feel like people are so sleep on her. She should have had the same crowd Blxst had the night before. She has a VOICE. Please listen to her album! My favorite song is idk, but it was incredible to her "HEY, SUCKA" live because the crowd felt that and sometimes boys are trash (not mine though) so we call could relate. They kept messing up her music though. She sounds amazing! So stunning! A great show! Loved everything about it. A perfect way to end a week of concerting. DriJack - small with a big voice really good! I may tune in to her music for sure!  Jasmine Janai - This second performer is weird. She didn’t have shoes on. She gave me island girl vibes. She’s gorgeous. Idk if I would listen to her music though.  I don't remember the last person, but she’s from Toronto. Her dancers were a vibe and h