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LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED SATURN! Loving a project has a lot to do with the season you are in. Whether that season is love or heartbreak, you'll never forget how a certain song made you feel. For me I guess that feeling was hope or that everything was going to be okay. Nothing like getting lost in a song/album. For me that album was Saturn! Bad Blood was good, but Saturn was great! She sounds like an angel live, omg! I believe I started 2019 with her show. It sold out too! Man, she was good!

Favorite Projects: 

Saturn (2018)
Image result for nao albums saturn"

Favorite Songs:
Another Life Time
Don't Change
A Life Like This
If You Ever



Orbit @ The Masquerade on 2/7/19
Saturn @ The Masquerade on 2/7/19
