
Why "The Concert Connect"? (I was going to allow not having a "cool" name to be the excuse I used for not completing this blog)...but I felt like there came a point where many people were either asking me have I seen a particular artist, when was my next show, who I was going with, and/or how was a concert ? Writing is a way of releasing, so why not talk about my concert experiences. So basically, this Concert Blog is a journal about concerts and maybe other things. I had so many videos from shows and nowhere to post them so I figured this would be a great start. The shows I've attended range from local underground artist to big mainstream artist that everyone loves. Live music warms my heart. I love the experience of a great show or seeing an artist perform for the first time. 
There's a lot of content within this blog!

You'll see that I have favorite albums/projects and songs....these albums/projects and songs are honestly memories. I'm not here to state whether the album was great from beginning to end....I just remember the setting, the time of life, the story, or journey I was on when I heard it for the first time. 

I would love any feedback or comments. However, this is like a journal to me....I'm allowed to be grammatically incorrect, it's okay for my singing ability to sound like trash while recording, and the quality of every video won't be perfect. Disclaimer...I'm not a BIG "music head", but these are my memories and I hope you enjoy them!

- Ray Bell
